Quick and Easy Jumpstart to an Emergency Kit

Stormy weather is upon us, and so it’s a good time to talk about getting an emergency kit together. Having a kit handy for your household is a great way to be prepared for what life and nature may throw at us, no matter what season or weather. There are many resources out there with long, extensive lists of items you can put in your kit, but long lists can be overwhelming to the point of putting off building your kit. With just 3 parts, you can be on your way to being a prepper! I'll share my quick way to get started, and then, if you feel like doing a bit more, at the end of this post is a list of things to add and expand your kit. The key is to build it bit by bit over time.

So, how do we get started? My hack is to start small! What is the absolute basic things you need for a kit? Gather these three items:

Food and Water

(ok, so that’s two but they fit together)

FEMA recommends enough food and water for 3 days for each household member (human and pet). It’s a good idea to have even more than that, but 3 days is a manageable place to start. Water can be as easy as a case of bottled water from the grocery store. And while you could get dehydrated/freeze-dried meals or canned food, you could also opt for several protein/meal replacement bars.

First Aid Kit

It’s important to have some first aid available in an emergency. A ready-made kit, like we offer is a quick solution. Or, start with a zippered bag of bandages, gauze pads and rolls, antibacterial ointment, antiseptic wipes, and disposable non-latex gloves.

Battery charger      

Keep your phone or other important devices available during a power outage or other emergency with a battery charger. This can be a portable charger, or a larger power station or generator depending on what you need to power.

Ok, you did it! You have an emergency kit! Put it in a bag or tub, or even in a loose pile. A backpack is great way to make your kit portable! Store where you can grab your kit quickly.


Did you get your starter kit ready and are fired up to do more? Read on for some additional suggestions.

Add to your kit over time. A good way to do this is to pick up little additions when you are shopping for regular errands. Or if a good sale comes a long, for example on bandages or canned food, buy a couple extra to tuck in your kit!

Items to add:


Is a case of water enough? FEMA suggests 1 gallon of drinking water per day per household member, so add enough water for 3 days, then 7, and up to a few weeks if you have room. With food, add in more and some variety, or if your pantry allows, keep a stock of canned food that you rotate into normal meals so they stay up-to-date. It would not be fun to face an emergency with a stockpile of expired food.

First Aid Kit

Do you have pets? Fur-friendly bandages are a good addition. Medicines such as over-the-counter pain and allergy medicine would be helpful. At this point, think about what your family might need. Prescription medicines? Different sizes or types of bandages? An extra pair of prescription glasses?

Other items

Boots/sturdy shoes


Personal toiletries

Extra jacket/warm clothes/socks

Portable hand-crank radio

Copies of important documents


Portable car jump starter

Portable quick-inflate raft